Monday, December 29, 2008

Bring on 2009..and the Playoffs!

Before I get to the poker stuff, I have to write a little about yesterday. My big Christmas present was a 3rd row seat at the Linc for the Eagles-Dallas game. It was my dad, 2 brothers, uncle, grandfather, and two friends from where we grew up in NJ. For any of you that follow football, last week my dad wasn't too happy he got these tickets for us, after watching the Eagles put up 3 points against Washington. There was so much that needed to happen in order for yesterday's game to mean anything--and it did. Somehow, Oakland pulled one out against Tampa..the place erupted, and the Eagles were pumped. Without going into too much detail, the game was incredible. A complete blowout..and the best part of all was that I got to watch it with my dad from the 3rd row.
Annnnnnd now, poker. I made my deposit today and am qualified for the 25% bonus. I purchased HEM and just need to get it up and running. I still have two days before 2009 is here and my ring game officially begins. Hopefully, Icemonkey will be sweating me in the beginning to get me on the right track. I'm so psyched that I'm doing this.
This weekend was great. I got to see some family that I really don't see that often. Yesterday's game was truly an awesome Christmas gift. Now let's see how much I can learn about this ring business. Can't be that hard, right? :D Heh, and so it begins...

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